Our commitment to ESG

ESG is more than a legislative requirement for SRA, it is an operational imperative.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is an essential element of understanding that all businesses in Australia are part of the community and do not operate in isolation.

By establishing and benchmarking results and focusing on continuous improvements, we not only enhance our environmental stewardship, social responsibility and ethical governance but also strengthen the bonds connecting us to the communities we serve. As a result, we are able to foster a sustainable and inclusive future for all.

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Our ESG Vision

The Swietelsky Rail Australia (SRA) ESG vision is to be a reliable industry partner, whilst actively demonstrating sustainability, with an eye on future innovative rail maintenance and construction activities.

We source materials responsibly and strive to minimise our carbon footprint. Our commitment to sustainability ensures that all our works promote efficient transportation solutions.

We believe in extending our commitment to social governance throughout our supply chain, through partnering with suppliers who share our values of ethical business practices. Our fundamental goal is to encourage positive industry-wide change.

Upholding the highest ethical standards is a non-negotiable at SRA. We will never compromise or put production or profit before safety.

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Our ESG Pillars


FAIRNESS: A fair and equitable company

Fairness is a key consideration across our operations. We are dedicated to creating a company that is not only fair and equitable but also focused on continuously improving our ESG performance. We believe that a commitment to fairness is essential to building trust with our clients, employees and stakeholders.

INNOVATION: Driving innovation and improvements

Innovation is in our DNA. We are more than just a rail maintenance company; we are a partner for the future. Our relentless pursuit of innovation drives improvements in our services, technologies and processes. By collaborating with us, you're choosing a partner who is always looking ahead, ready to meet the evolving needs of Australia's rail industry.

ECOLOGY: Resource and climate friendly operations

Australia's natural beauty is a treasure; one we are committed to preserving. Our ecological focus centers on resource and climate-friendly operational activities. Through sustainable practices, green procurement and eco-friendly technologies, we continuously work to reduce our environmental footprint.

INTERACTION: Cultivating a sustainable and engaged workforce and community

Our success hinges on the dedication and motivation of our team. We take pride in being a desirable employer by offering rewarding opportunities for growth and development. Our motivated and valued team is the driving force behind our achievements, and their interactions within our organisation and with our clients are marked by professionalism and respect.

ESG in action – see our policies at work

  • 33% First Nations people representation in Senior Leadership Team (up 20% since January 2023)
  • 33% female representation in Senior Leadership Team (steady)
  • 20% female representation in the Executive Leadership Team (steady)
  • 14% female representation across the workforce (up by 9% since January 2023)
  • 11% First Nations people representation across the workforce (up by 9% since January 2023)
  • 100% implementation of revised CHECK5 wellbeing program
  • $16k committed investment in community sponsorship and grants in FY23 (up by 12k in 2022)
  • 100% recycling of all oils, oil filters, rags, scrap metal and batteries
  • 78% reduction in use of aerosols across all operations, following the introduction of pump application methods
  • 100% use of ecofriendly and biodegradable Panolin oil for all machine service and operation activities
  • 100% use of ecofriendly and biodegradable RemActiv to manage oil spills
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